Parent Plus Loans


PLUS贷款的批准是基于借款人的信用价值. In the event of a credit-denial, Federal Student Aid's   PLUS Loan InformationOpens in new window   page details the options available for obtaining a PLUS Loan.

Interest is charged during all periods. 一般来说,PLUS贷款在贷款全额支付后60天开始还款. Various options are available to postpone payment; refer to Federal Student Aid's   Direct PLUS Loan InformationOpens in new window   page for additional details.

Note: 学生必须注册至少一半的时间,并有资格获得联邦学生援助.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. The student must complete and submit a FAFSA application.
  2. 学生必须将表格上所需的所有文件提交给经济援助办公室.
  3. 你必须注册或被录取攻读学位、证书或专业课程.
  4. 您的注册状态必须至少为半学期(相当于6个单元)。.
  5. 必须是美国公民或符合条件的非公民(永久居民).
  6. Must be a parent of a dependent undergraduate student.

Parent Plus General Info

  1. Is available to parents of dependent undergraduate students.
  2. 除了家长借款人通过基本的信用检查, 学生必须符合联邦学生援助的一般资格要求.
  3. 任何超出大学学费的金额将通过家长PLUS贷款退还给家长.
  4. 依赖本科生:如果你的父母无法获得PLUS贷款, 你可能有资格获得额外的无补贴贷款,以帮助支付你的学费.
  5. 支付要求学生半日注册(相当于6个学分)。

Interest Rates and Loan Fees

利率由国会每年调整一次,新的利率在每年的7月1日生效. 虽然新贷款的利率可能会在每年的7月1日发生变化, the rate received will be fixed for the life of the loan.

In addition to the interest rate, Plus Loans charges an origination fee, 在付款时从您的贷款资金中扣除哪一部分.

Please check the student aid websiteOpens in new window for interest rates and loan fees for current and past years.

How Much Can I Borrow



How to Apply | Part 1 - Student

  1. Apply for FAFSAOpens in new window
  2. 向财政援助办公室提交所有必需的文件
  3. 在Titan在线学生中心查看你的经济援助摘要.
    • 如果你的总援助少于估计的经济援助和预算, you may apply for the difference in a Plus Loan.

How to Apply | Part 2 - Parent

  1. Log onto Studentaid.govOpens in new window 家长必须使用自己的FSA ID和Password Credential登录
  2. 完成家长贷款申请,其中包括信用检查
  3. Complete the Master Promissory Note (MPN) online. | Using Your (the Parent) Credential to Sign
  4. Complete Plus Loan Counseling
    • 必须由有不利信贷决定的家长填写,该家长将对信贷决定提出上诉或寻求背书人批准家长加贷款
  5. 完成CSUF联邦直接申请和所有附件,并将其提交给经济援助办公室(申请可以在“表格”标签下找到) & Appeals")

Parent Plus Loan is Denied

You may still receive a Plus Loan via one of these two options:

  1. 获得一个没有不良信用记录的背书人. If you are a parent borrower, 背书人不能是家长借款人借阅的学生. Your parent can reapply with a co-signer (endorser).
  2. Provide document to the U.S. 教育部关于你不良信用记录的满意情况.

Once you have completed either option above, 您还必须完成信用咨询为加贷款借款人在 Studentaid.govOpens in new window website.

If a parent borrower is unable to secure a Plus loan, 本科受抚养学生可能有资格获得额外的无补贴贷款,以帮助支付他们的教育费用. 受抚养学生需要提供CSUF Plus申请和教育部的拒绝信. 额外的无补贴贷款将在处理后在学生中心提供.

How is the Plus Loan Funds Disbursed?

PLUS贷款资金将通过大学发送到学生的校园账户. 接受的贷款资金是分开的,一半的资金用于秋季学期,另一半用于春季学期. 

Once the funding has been sent to the University, 财政援助办公室将再次核实学生的付款资格. 然后,这些资金将被应用到学生的剩余校园余额中, this would include Campus Tuition and Fees, as well as CSUF On-Campus Housing Charges.

Once the student's account has been paid in full, 学生商业服务(SBS)将邮寄剩余资金的支票给家长借款人. 如果学生欠学校的钱,学校将暂时暂停付款,直到学生账户上的余额全部付清.


当您收到直接PLUS贷款时,您的贷款提供商将与您联系. 您的贷款服务机构将定期更新您的直接PLUS贷款状态,并为您提供有关如何以及何时偿还贷款的信息. 您将使用PLUS贷款借款人可用的几种还款计划之一向贷款服务机构付款. 

You can learn more about repayment options hereOpens in new window .

Federal Loan Servicers

You may find your loan servicer by logging into the Federal Student Aid websiteOpens in new window using your federal ID and password. If you forgot your ID or password, you may indicate so on the site, 您将被指示输入您的电子邮件,以重新设置和访问您的信息. 如果您有任何一般性问题,请随时与 Office of Financial AidOpens in new window .